
Mid-City killer’s violent past disclosed

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The man who fatally stabbed a woman at her Mid-City apartment last week, hours after she filed a domestic violence report against him, was twice deported to Mexico and had two prior felony convictions for domestic violence, according to government records.

On Monday, authorities formally identified the man, who was fatally shot by police as he attacked and killed Flor Medrano, 30, in her apartment in the 1300 block of Cochran Avenue on Wednesday. The attacker, Daniel Carlon, 23, was described as a Mexican national who was living here illegally and had a history of threatening and harassing women. Carlon had entered the building and attacked the victim as Los Angeles Police Department officers stood watch outside.

According to U.S. Department of Homeland Security records, Carlon had been sent back to Mexico twice -- once in January 2007 on the orders of an immigration judge and again in June of this year, after he was arrested by federal immigration officials. No further details of those cases were available.

Carlon had also pleaded guilty to charges of domestic violence in two previous cases, both of which involved another woman, according to Michele Daly, a family violence prosecutor with the San Bernardino County district attorney’s office, which had jurisdiction.

The first incident occurred in March 2005. According to Daly, who quoted from a police report, Carlon threatened violence against the victim if she reported the abuse to authorities. “If you call the police department, we’re both going to die. I’ll kill you if you call the cops,” Carlon told the victim

After pleading guilty to felony spousal abuse, Carlon was sentenced to 180 days in jail and was ordered to complete a 52-week domestic violence program. When he was released in the fall of 2005, he began stalking the same woman again, Daly said.

The woman filed a report in November stating that Carlon was harassing her over the phone and knocking on her window, which he broke. The woman also hid from him, Daly said. He was sent to prison in February 2006 for two years after he again pleaded guilty to felony spousal abuse.

Daly prosecuted both those cases, and she said she saw similarities between those incidents and Carlon’s behavior leading up to Medrano’s killing.

“It goes to show that this was his issue, his problem, because it was the same type of behavior,” Daly said.

Medrano filed a domestic violence report against Carlon hours before she was killed Wednesday. Police believe Carlon scaled the roof of the victim’s building and entered the second-story apartment through a rear window. When officers heard screaming, they rushed upstairs and saw Carlon through a window, stabbing Medrano. Police then shot and killed Carlon.

Jasmin Gomez, 20, who lives in the building, said there was a memorial with flowers, candles and a photo outside the building for Medrano.

