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Re “City atty. used ‘bully tactic’ over Jackson costs, exec says,” Oct. 22, and “Wrong, in big bright lights,” Editorial, Oct. 23

The city of L.A. desperately needs jobs, and all of us -- labor, business and government -- need to be working together to fight for jobs.

The last message we want to send to companies seeking to create jobs and do business in Los Angeles is the denial of permits for contractually agreed to and previously approved signs for a project like L.A. Live, which is generating thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue.


In these tough economic times, we would hope elected officials follow the leadership of City Councilwoman Jan Perry and fight for jobs for our city. We are all in this together and have a responsibility to respect the law and put the public’s interest first.

Gary Toebben

Los Angeles

The writer is president and CEO of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.


Let’s see, City Atty. Carmen Trutanich thinks taxpayers should not foot the bill for the security and cleanup costs of AEG’s Michael Jackson events, and that city signage ordinances should apply equally to AEG venues.

AEG President Tim Leiweke thinks that his company should get a free ride and that the city should continue its tradition of sweetheart deals for the well-connected.


In place of an argument to support his view, Leiweke whines about being “bullied” and chalks it up to political payback. Not payback, Mr. Leiweke, payoff.

Voters elected political outsider Trutanich to put the public interest ahead of special interests. His tough, principled stance is the payoff for our confidence.

Shelley Wagers

Los Angeles


I am appalled by the willful refusal of AEG to take financial responsibility for its actions. Like many corporations, its officers seem to feel that rules are for others. It is time that they stopped taking city resources for their own selfish purposes and paid their fair share.


Trutanich was elected to enforce the laws, and it’s about time somebody stood up to these corporate marauders.

Carlo Panno



What’s the deal with Trutanich? Is he a little man with a Napoleon syndrome? He should be taking aim at substantially more serious concerns in L.A. than billboards at L.A. Live that were previously approved.

Seriously. Without AEG, we don’t have Staples Center. We don’t have L.A. Live.

And Trutanich wants to go after the company in his bullying and arrogant manner (he kept his sunglasses on during a meeting with Leiweke?) over billboards that don’t harm anyone and had been previously approved?

Dennis Kline

Laguna Beach


Thank goodness for The Times’ articles trumpeting AEG’s campaign against Trutanich.

Past city attorneys have shown us that the job requires caving in to the big-money interests at City Hall and letting the people’s business fall to the side.

Of course AEG’s right in calling him a “bully” -- he dares to hold AEG to the standard required by the letter (and spirit) of the city’s laws. Well, that’s not fair!

Do you think Angelenos would have elected this guy if they thought he’d actually represent the people of the city? Good luck to AEG on its smear campaign (and thanks to The Times for giving AEG the megaphone).


Smother this good-government crusader before he gets any traction.

Eva Mahlep

Los Angeles


It is refreshing to know that there is one elected official in L.A. who is not bought and paid for by AEG.

Howard Cohen

North Hills
