
Wrong turn on parking

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Re “Some students get Fs in parking,” Sept. 1

If anyone deserves an F in parking, it’s the CSU system as a whole, demanding that students pay for parking on their own public university campuses.

That the only way to fund more parking spaces is by ticketing the people who can’t afford to pay for current parking places is humiliating and grotesque; such a process makes a mockery of the entire idea of a public university system.

“Well, certainly, you can attend this public event,” say officials, “but parking’s $1,800; I hope that’s OK.” No one would say: “Yes. From my state government, that’s totally what I expect to pay.”


If we’re going to improve public education in our state (and we must), then let’s start from the ground up and not turn people who have paid their fees into criminals.

Robert Harris

Garden Grove


Using parking tickets to pay for new parking structures -- wow, what a horrible idea. Is this what the budget crisis has come to?

I am a student at Cal State Northridge, and in the four years I have attended the university, I have probably had 30 parking tickets. As if paying for a parking pass, tuition, housing and books aren’t enough, we always have to be watching for bogus parking tickets that should not be given out in the first place.


The state needs to give higher education more money and needs to stop relying on the student body to pay for these parking structures.

Farryn Townley

