
Traveling internationally with a child

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Not all globe-trotters-in-training travel with Mom and Dad. If your child is traveling with a divorced parent, friend, grandparent or baby-sitter, can prevent potential misunderstandings.

What’s hot: Forms4Travel takes the guesswork out of international travel preparation with children. Whether your child is traveling with you, by himself, with a relative or even a teacher or coach, there’s a form to fill out that can smooth the process. Buy an affidavit for $12.95 plus shipping, complete it and take it to a notary to validate your identity and signature. These forms package your important contact numbers, medical information and emergency care into a neat and tidy document.

What’s not: I’ve traveled internationally with my 1-year-old twice without her father, and we’ve not encountered drama at customs. Still, it was difficult for me to tell which of the seemingly important documents on the website are required for travel versus those that are a good idea to have on hand. If in doubt, check the entry requirements for the foreign country you are traveling to at and with the embassy of the country you’ll be visiting.

-- Jen Leo
