
For the record - Sept. 3, 2010

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Ty Burrell: An article about “Modern Family” actor Ty Burrell in Sunday’s Calendar section identified his hometown as Appleton, Ore. The town is Applegate.

Boris Karloff: An article on Boris Karloff in Tuesday’s Calendar section listed “Psycho” as written by Robert Bloch. Bloch wrote the novel “Psycho”; the screen adaptation for Alfred Hitchcock’s classic 1960 film was by Joseph Stefano.

“Let’s Take the Long Way Home”: A caption under a photo accompanying a book review of Gail Caldwell’s “Let’s Take the Long Way Home” in Wednesday’s Calendar section identified its subject as Caldwell. The photo shows Caroline Knapp, about whom Caldwell wrote in her book. The On the Media column in Wednesday’s Calendar section about and other online sports sites should have noted that the Los Angeles Times has a business relationship with, which provides co-branded pages to The Times in a revenue-sharing arrangement. The column also gave an audience figure for another site,, of more than 1.3 million unique visitors a month. That figure, from, refers to one of the site’s principal pages, but SBNation operates 270 sites, which drew a total of about 4.7 million in the most recent month on record, according to the ratings service.

City attorney pensions: An article in some editions of Thursday’s Section A about special pension benefits for city attorneys in Vernon misspelled the last name of Hyatt Seligman, president of the Assn. of Deputy District Attorneys, as Seligson.
