
Letters: Manny Ramirez and the McCourts

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The two happiest days for the team with Manny Ramirez:

The day they obtain him.

The day they get rid of him.

Ron Tom


“End of the Manny era”? Give it a rest — 173 games over a three-year period does not an era make.

Jerry Baruch

Los Angeles


Good riddance, Manny, this is our town!

Bob Martinez



Most Dodgers fans will miss Manny, as will I. He brought excitement to Chavez Ravine. The numbers listed, representing his stay, were misleading. They disprove Plaschke’s “fat pitches” and “slow bat” and don’t list his tangible value in team coffers and publicity for the Dodgers.

Darren Dreifort and Andruw Jones were mistakes. Manny was Manny.

Ron Ziskin

Toluca Lake


Question: What local columnist breathlessly wrote in July of last year that “Manny Ramirez’s Bobblebomb … was so powerful, it flew to the third spot on the list of Dodgers Hollywood homers,” only to reverse himself 13 months later by piously asking “How do you say goodbye to someone who has been gone for 16 months?”

Here’s a hint: Not only did he christen the UCLA football team’s five-game losing streak last season with a column noting that Rick Neuheisel was “calmly building the solid foundation for success,” but he also kick-started the most dominant run of USC football by famously declaring that Los Angeles “is, has been, and will continue to be a Bruin football town.”

Just something to remember the next time Plaschke writes about … well, anything.

Mark Backstrom



“Ramirez is said to be seeking financial compensation in exchange for permitting a trade.”

Yeah, like the $25 million the Dodgers paid him for his 65 games this season was not enough.

Brian Haueter



Fair weather fans, quit the Manny bashing. It’s so sad we forget the Dodger Stadium excitement and electricity Manny briefly brought back to the park not experienced since Fernandomania and Gibson’s home run in 1988.

Where do you think the $3.8 million’s going? Eleven lawyers, that’s where. They should have had a Frank and Jamie bobblehead night. At least Manny homered on his.

Paul Shubunka Sr.

Santa Clarita


Manny Ramirez has been traded by the Dodgers to the White Sox.

Question: Who is the angriest person on Earth?

Answer: Juan Pierre.

Robert Ostrove


The poor McCourts

Frankie, you shoulda said somethin’.

But no, I gotta read the paper to find out that ya all but livin’ on the nut while ya on the hook for 28 million in vig. A year.

So all this time ya been making like Donnie Sterling or Jerry Buss. Private jets and limos and more houses than ya can squat in, and all in the same town, when ya really just a working stiff like the rest of us.

Ah, Frankie. If only I’d known, I’d a bought an extra Dodger Dog and left my water bottle home whenever I go to the park. Just to help ya out a little.

But now it looks like it’s pretty much on to new places and new things for ya.

Whaddaya gonna do now, Frankie?

Marvin J. Wolf

Mar Vista Heights


Frank McCourt’s financial statement reminds me of the story of the applicant for a CFO position who, when asked what the sum of 2 and 2 is, replied to his prospective employer: “What would you like for it to be?”

Robert W. Lichtsinn

Fountain Valley


Looks like Donald Sterling, who has long been considered by many to be the “worst owner in sports,” is suddenly, perhaps, not even the worst owner in Los Angeles.

Steven Smullen



If the Dodgers are as “cash-strapped” and “debt-ridden” as they have been described, it makes one wonder what the fans have to look forward to next year. After a mediocre season, ownership and management in limbo, a depleted farm system and almost half of this year’s roster becoming free agents, it should be an interesting winter.

D.G. Artis

Woodland Hills


With each sordid avaricious detail emanating from the McCourts’ legal haggle, Manny looks less and less like a mercurial malcontent and more and more like a shrewd master of self-preservation.

Michael Miyamoto

Mission Viejo


Will someone please produce a document that excludes both the McCourts from ownership of the Dodgers?

Jerry Leibowitz

Culver City

Bad teams, man

We all know, everybody knows, Dodgers fans know, even Phillies fans know, the whole world knows: Monasterios is not a reliable starter. How come the manager does not know?

I love Joe, but lately his decisions are not Torre-like.

Jimmy Corona

Diamond Bar


With the Angels dumping closer Brian Fuentes and the Dodgers dumping Manny Ramirez, I’m left pondering one question as the teams sleepwalk the rest of their way through their miserable seasons — when do the Lakers start playing again?

Roberto Torres

Redondo Beach

Off tackles

Monte Kiffin’s Wiki-Wacky defense looked more confused than the WAC referee in USC’s opener in Aloha Stadium. Trojans defenders gave new meaning to “tackling dummies.”

Tom Turner

Dana Point

Enough Tiger

Am I the only golf fan who is fed up with the TV coverage of tournaments where whether Tiger Woods is first, last or in the middle dominates the entire broadcast?.

The other players deserve fair coverage, or must they also become serial womanizers to get equal time??

Tony Filosa

Los Angeles


“As you all know I can move my hips pretty good, but they’re moving at the wrong time. It’s just a matter of synching that all up.”

Tiger Woods discussing his golf swing or off-the-course habits?

Tom Peters

San Diego

The only way

To honor Vin Scully by renaming Mannywood with Vinnywood as recommended by Deneal Blouin (Letters, Aug. 28) won’t get the job done to honor the greatest sports announcer this country has ever had. Only spectators to Dodgers games would see it.

The simplest way to do it is to rename every Stadium Way sign with Vin Scully Way. Then millions of people would see it on a daily basis.

Bernard Baima


True-false test

Roger Clemens’ rule of lying:

Rule #1: The lie is always right.

Rule #2: When the lie is questioned, refer to Rule #1.

Bo Ginn



I was confused by Thursday’s headline in The Times. In what parallel universe is Andy Roddick losing early in a tournament still considered an upset?

Jayson Romero


Dark humor

I would like to congratulate the Angels for being the first green team in MLB. In years past they often lit up that halo around the Big A sign; not this year.

Bruce N. Miller

Playa del Rey


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