
T. Katuri Kaye

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Tchienyonnoh Katuri Kaye is a child of immigrant parents who journeyed to the U.S. in the 1980s from West Africa. Growing up, Kaye watched her parents devote 100% of their time, resources and energy to make sure that her and her siblings could live the “American Dream.” From hour-long commutes to never-ending financial demands, Katuri saw first-hand that there were not any roads her parents would not travel to ensure that she and her siblings had the tools to succeed.

She started her own non-profit, The TKK Program, Inc., in 2012 to bridge the gap for those at-risk youth and underprivileged communities who did not have a Mr. and Mrs. Kaye standing in their corner, cheering them to victory. Through her work under The TKK Program, Kaye strives daily to make a powerful difference in her greater community.
