Brian Cahill, Kelly Phariss, Balfour Beatty

Primary Southern California Office: 1501 Quail St., Suite 130, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Year Established: 1909

Headquarter(s): Dallas, TX

2023 Total Revenue: $315,056,000

2022 Total Revenue: $336,393,025

Total Number of Employees: 245

Number of Offices in Southern California: 5

Number of Offices Firmwide: NA

Top Active Projects: LAX Automated People Mover, Los Angeles USD – Hamilton High School, Fontana USD New Secondary Academy

Top Local Executive(s): Brian Cahill - President - California & Kelly Phariss - Vice President, West, US Civils

*Above information is for Southern California which includes Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties, but excludes San Diego.
