
LPA, Inc.

Wendy S. Rogers; Keith Hempel LPA Studios

Primary Southern California Office: 5301 California Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92617

Year Established: 1965

Headquarter(s): Irvine, CA

2023 Total Revenue: $54,382,787

2022 Total Revenue: $23,208,308

Total Number of Licensed Architects: 77

Total Number of Employees (including support staff and all other employees): 331

Number of Offices in Southern California: 1

Number of Offices Firmwide: 6

Property Types: Office, Industrial, Retail, Multifamily, Medical

Top Local Executive(s): Wendy S. Rogers - CEO and Keith Hempel - President

*The above information is for Southern California which includes Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties, but excludes San Diego.
