
Ask Laz: How to get top dollar for your beloved record collection

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Jose says he’s ready to part with his collection of albums and 45s, mostly rock and R&B. He wants to know how he can get top dollar for his tunes.

First of all, dude, make sure you’re totally at peace with this decision. I’ve known people who sold off their classic records, only to regret the move later on — especially now that vinyl is making a comeback.

Me, I never had a vinyl collection to draw the envy of others — I was deeper into cassettes — but I had a rockin’ comic-book collection as a kid. It’s now in my son’s hands, and maybe one day it will go to his kid.

That said, selling used albums is like selling a used car: The better the condition, the more you’ll make.

Specialty websites such as Discogs are great places to test the market for individual records. For a whole collection, you may want to stick with a real-world outlet such as Amoeba Music.

Generally speaking, Ebay probably won’t get you anywhere near a fair price.

For some more tips on closing the sale, check out the video below.


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