
Cost of gifts from ’12 Days of Christmas’ carol? $27,393

Eyeing the set of gifts referenced in the “12 Days of Christmas” for your true love?

The set of gifts, which include milking maids, pear trees and French hens, will cost you $27,393, according to a tongue-in-cheek price index.

That’s up 7.7% from last year, according to PNC Wealth Management, the firm that for 30 years has compiled the Christmas Price Index.

Since the index was first compiled in 1983, year-over-year inflation increases have averaged 2.9%.


Here’s a breakdown of the cost of the 12 gifts:

One partridge in a pear tree: $200

Two turtledoves: $125

Three French hens: $165

Four calling birds: $600

Five gold rings: $750

Six geese: $210

Seven swans: $7,000

Eight milking maids: $58 (if they’re paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour)

Nine ladies dancing: $7,553

10 leaping lords: $5,243

11 pipers piping: $2,635

12 drummers: $2,855

Note: The drummers, dancing ladies, leaping lords, piping pipers are not bought; their services are rented.


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