
Facebook files motion to dismiss in Paul Ceglia case

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Facebook has filed a motion to dismiss the case brought by a New York state man who claims he is entitled to half of Mark Zuckerberg’s multibillion-dollar stake in the social networking giant.

Calling it a “fraudulent shakedown,” Facebook is looking to quash the case that is unfolding in federal court in Buffalo ahead of its initial public stock offering that could value Facebook at $100 billion or more.

Facebook alleges the contract Paul Ceglia claims Zuckerberg signed is a forgery and that the emails he said he exchanged with Zuckerberg were also fake.


Facebook’s lawyers obtained 200 emails from Harvard University’s server that it says show the real conversations between Zuckerberg and Ceglia.

“Today’s motion proves what Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg have emphatically stated all along: This case is a fraud,” said Orin Snyder, the lead lawyer representing Facebook.

Ceglia and his lawyers are still reviewing the motion to dismiss. His spokesman declined to immediately comment.



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