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Times Staff Writer Auto Dealership Inventory Packages

      New and Used Packages for new car dealers:
      • Includes listings for both new and used cars
      • No limit on number of cars listed on
      • Service billed monthly - No Annual Fees      

      Used Car Only Package:
      • No limit on number of cars listed on
      • No annual maintenance fees
      • Independent Dealers Only     

      Independent Ad Package for used car dealers:
      • 60 car limit on number of cars listed on
      • Service billed monthly - No annual maintenance fees
      • Independent Dealers only     

      Independent Ad Package – Express for used car dealers:
      • 30 car limit on number of cars listed on
      • Service billed monthly - No annual maintenance fees
      • Independent Dealers only

      Other Products available:
      Dealer Inventory Management tool
      Multiple Photo option
      Dealer webpage design and/or hosting
      Targeted Keyword Power Skyscraper
        & Banner ad position on

      For additional information including pricing please contact
        Ken Nail, Sr. Manager Online at

  Reach Car Buyers!
Los Angeles Times and reach 41.7% (1,343,495) of LA DMA households planning to buy or lease a new or used vehicle.*
Los Angeles Times readers purchased 55.6% of all new vehicles in the LA DMA. **
Los Angeles Times readers purchased 62% of all new luxury cars and 70% of all new luxury SUVs in the LA DMA. **
Every month, and receive more than 3 million unique visitors looking to purchase a new or used car.***
Each month, more than 12 million searches of used-car listings are conducted on and***
  Quick Tips
Click on "Place a Private Party Ad" if you are the registered owner of the vehicle and are placing the ad without commercial intent.
Click on "Place a Business Ad" if you are a dealer or are in the business of buying and selling vehicles.
Be careful to spell out uncommon names or terms used in your ad.
Be sure to read the rules and guidelines at the top of the "Create Your Ad" page. They provide insight into what must be included in your ad to comply with guidelines of the Los Angeles Times and agencies that regulate this area of business.
Note that all ads are reviewed for content and advertiser designation (Pp vs. Business) prior to publication
*   Source: Scarborough Research Los Angeles with Recontact 2003 Release 1
**  Source: 2003 JD Power Media Studies
*** Source: