ThriftBooks Coupon Codes & Promo codes

11 ThriftBooks Promo Codes in July 2024 for books

Last updated on July 20, 2024
ThriftBooks is an online platform that offers a vast selection of used books at affordable prices, allowing readers to find and purchase pre-owned books across various genres and categories.
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Take up to 20% Off selected items- Thriftbooks Promo

Enjoy great savings today! Purchase 8 or more items From Thriftbooks and save up to 20% on selected books. No promotional code is required. add to cart now.

Price reduction Up to 20% off Terms & conditions .
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Black History Books - Shop now

Read more and learn more with Black History books. It's Black History Month!

Price reduction Black History Terms & conditions .
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Earn Free Books for all verified Educators

Take advantage of Thriftbooks' free used books with every four book purchases for all verified educators

Price reduction Free Books Terms & conditions .
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B4G1F for Educators & Librarians

Spend $40 or more as an educator or librarian and get 50 bonus points. Plus, get a 5th book for free when you buy 4.

Price reduction B4G1F Terms & conditions .
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Get free shipping when you spend $15+

Get free shipping on your order when you spend $15 or more. Build your reading list for less

Price reduction Free shipping Minimum purchase required $15 or more Terms & conditions .
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Explore Gift Collection at Thriftbooks

Find the perfect gift for your lovedones! Discover Thriftbooks' most-popular gift collection. shop for mugs, tumblers, bowls, figurines, and more. add to cart now.

Price reduction Gift Collection Terms & conditions .
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Shop E-gift Cards easily at Thriftbooks

Give a fellow reader the opportunity to explore ThriftBooks for their own selection of books. Check out e-gift cards for as low as $10. shop today

Price reduction E-gift Cards Terms & conditions .
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Check out Best-sellers at Thriftbooks

Let the seed of knowledge grow by reading Thriftbooks' best-selling book collection. Choose From a huge range of genres, such as mysteries, thrillers, fiction, sci-fi, history, and more. Get yours today.

Price reduction Best-sellers Terms & conditions .
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Discover LGBTQ+ Books at Thriftbooks

Find out about the history of the pride movement With ThriftBooks LGBTQ+ book collection. Choose From a huge range of genres, including fiction, self-help, and graphic novels. add to cart now.

Price reduction LGBTQ+ Book Collection Terms & conditions .
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Earn 100 bonus points by joining ReadingRewards at Thriftbooks

Earn 100 bonus points for every 4 items you purchase by simply joining Thriftbooks' ReadingRewards. You can redeem your points to Get free shipping, free books, and more. Sign-up today.

Price reduction Earn 100 Bonus Points Terms & conditions .
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Thriftbooks Friend Referral- Give a Book, Get a Book

Win free books when you refer a friend at Thriftbooks. To claim both of your free book credits, make sure they sign up for ReadingRewards and spend $30.

Price reduction Friend Referral Minimum purchase required $30 Terms & conditions .
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ThriftBooks Promo Codes and Coupons for 7/22/2024

11 ThriftBooks coupon codes available today Discount offer Expires
Take up to 20% Off selected items- Thriftbooks Promo 20% Dec 31
Black History Books - Shop now Black History Dec 31
Earn Free Books for all verified Educators Free Books Dec 31
B4G1F for Educators & Librarians Free Book Dec 31
Get free shipping when you spend $15+ Free Shipping Dec 31
Explore Gift Collection at Thriftbooks Gift Collection Dec 31
Shop E-gift Cards easily at Thriftbooks E-gift Cards Dec 31
Last updated on   July 20, 2024


Are the books sold by ThriftBooks in good condition?

  • ThriftBooks takes pride in providing high-quality books to customers. While most books are used, they undergo a thorough inspection and grading process. Each book listing includes a detailed description of its condition, ranging from "Like New" to "Acceptable," allowing customers to make informed decisions

How long does it take to receive an order from ThriftBooks?

  • The delivery time can vary depending on the shipping method chosen and the destination. Within the United States, eligible orders qualify for free shipping, which typically takes around 4 to 14 business days. Expedited shipping options are also available for faster delivery.

Does ThriftBooks ship internationally?

  • Yes, ThriftBooks offers international shipping to many countries. However, additional shipping charges may apply, and delivery times can vary based on the destination.

Can I return a book if I'm not satisfied with my purchase?

  • Yes, ThriftBooks has a hassle-free return policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can initiate a return within a specific timeframe (typically 30 days). The return process and any associated costs will depend on the specific circumstances and the customer support team can assist with the details.

Does ThriftBooks offer discounts or promo codes?

  • Yes, ThriftBooks frequently provides promotional offers and discount codes. Customers can find these codes on the ThriftBooks website, subscribe to their newsletter for updates, or check third-party coupon websites for additional savings.

Can I find rare or collectible books on ThriftBooks?

  • Yes, ThriftBooks occasionally offers rare and collectible books in their inventory. These unique finds can range from vintage editions to signed copies. Customers can search for specific titles or browse through their collections to discover these treasures.

Can I sell my books to ThriftBooks?

  • Yes, ThriftBooks has a program called "Sell Us Your Books" where customers can sell their unwanted books. They provide a quote based on the condition and demand for the books. If accepted, customers can ship their books to ThriftBooks for a cash payout or store credit.

ThriftBooks Promo Code 2024

ThriftBooks is known for its commitment to promoting literacy and sustainability. The company sources its books from various channels, including library discards, book drives, and other donations, ensuring that pre-loved books find new homes and avoid ending up in landfills. This approach not only supports a circular economy but also allows readers to access affordable books and discover hidden literary gems.

ThriftBooks offers an extensive online catalog with millions of titles, ranging from popular bestsellers to rare and collectible editions. Their website provides a user-friendly interface where customers can search for specific books, browse by genre, or explore curated collections. Each book listing includes detailed information about the edition, condition, and pricing, helping readers make informed choices before making a purchase.

The company takes pride in the quality of its books, employing a rigorous quality control process to ensure that each item meets their standards. While most of the books offered are used, they undergo inspection and grading, with detailed descriptions of their condition provided to customers. This transparency enables readers to choose the best copy based on their preferences, from "Like New" to "Acceptable," with corresponding price differentials.

ThriftBooks' affordability is a significant advantage for book enthusiasts on a budget. They offer competitive prices that are significantly lower than the original retail prices, making it an appealing option for avid readers and students. In addition to their already affordable prices, ThriftBooks frequently provides promotional offers, discount codes, and loyalty programs that customers can utilize to further enhance their savings.

Additionally, ThriftBooks often provides promo codes that customers can use to further save on their book purchases.