
Comic: Tienes aging parents?

Illustration of a man with two thought bubbles
(Julio Salgado / For De Los )
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As their immigrant parents get older, millennial children find solace in sharing life-managing advice with each other.

Next month I turn 40. Its a big deal for a gay man who grew up in the 90s thinking he wouldn't make it past 30
Conversations among my friends with immigrant parents have changed so much as we get older.
Take my best friend Tina. Since she lives in North Carolina now, she's constantly checking in with her dad.
Every time she visits and we get together, talk of our stubborn mexican fathers never fails to come up
Our generation is a little better off than our parents. This upward mobility means access to mental health.
There are times when strict boundaries have to be set with ourselves and our immigrant parents.
As our parents get older it can be tough to realize how much they will eventually need us even more than they do now.
In the meantimes, I take care of myself by reading and writing.
As I leave my 30s and enter a new decade I am thankful that I am not alone on this journey.

Julio Salgado (@juliosalgado83) is a digital illustrator based in Long Beach.
