L.A. Times early childhood initiative launches with community-supported funding

The Times’ early childhood education initiative is a community-funded journalism project devoted to exploring issues related to the well-being, development and learning of California’s youngest residents. We received funding from six California philanthropies to significantly increase our coverage of vital topics related to children from birth through age 5, their parents and caregivers.
The Times retains complete editorial control of all work produced by the initiative. The journalists working on the project are full members of the newsroom and the News Guild.
The initiative is funded through the support of the Los Angeles Partnership for Early Childhood Investment (the LA Partnership), a consortium of foundations and donors whose mission includes improving the lives, health and education of children and families, particularly those from low income and traditionally underserved communities. LA Partnership members providing funding for this initiative include:
- Ballmer Group
- Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
- Heising-Simons Foundation
- The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Sobrato Philanthropies
- Stein Early Childhood Development Fund (at the California Community Foundation)
All stories in the initiative are collected below. More Times education coverage can be found at latimes.com/education.
The L.A. Times early childhood team wants to connect with you! If you’re an L.A. mom or non-binary parent, find us in The Mamahood’s mom group on Facebook here.