
Getty helps finance conservation of Rubens panel paintings

The Getty Foundation is helping to fund the conservation of a 17th century masterpiece by Dutch artist Peter Paul Rubens. “Triumph of the Eucharist” is a series of panels that resides at the Prado Museum in Madrid. The Getty said it has awarded close to $390,000 to the museum for the conservation of the piece.

Money for the project is coming from the Getty’s Panel Paintings Initiative, which has also helped to fund the conservation of Albrecht Dürer’s “Adam and Eve,” also located at the Prado.

“Triumph of the Eucharist” dates from approximately 1626 and represents Rubens’ designs for a series of tapestries for Isabella Clara Eugenia, a ruler of the Spanish Netherlands. The tapestries hang at the convent Clares de Descalzas Reales in Madrid.


Rubens’ panels focus on the power of the Eucharist, or the Holy Communion, and the place of importance it holds in Catholicism.

The Panel Paintings Initiative was launched in 2008 as a joint effort between the Getty Foundation, the Getty Conservation Institute and the Getty Museum.

[Updated: A previous version of this post stated that the Getty Museum is helping to fund the project. It is, in fact, an effort led by the Getty Foundation.]



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