
Cellphone disrupts performance of Haydn’s Piano Concerto in D

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Cellphone ringing has become a commonplace annoyance at concerts around the world. But rarely is such a disruption captured on video — and rarer still is the case when a professional orchestra uploads the video onto YouTube.

Sweden’s Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra posted a video this week showing a performance of Haydn’s Piano Concerto in D. A persistently ringing cellphone brings the concert to a halt, with conductor and soloist Christian Zacharias looking up in aggravation from the keyboard.

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The video features an interview with a calmer Zacharias in which he explains his feelings about cellphones in concert halls.

Gustavo Dudamel was the principal conductor of the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra until last year and currently holds the title of honorary conductor. The German-born Zacharias is the group’s principal guest conductor.


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