
Reese Witherspoon dancing alone makes us want to join her dance party

Reese Witherspoon did not dance when she was photographed on the red carpet at the 2013 Academy Awards, but we really wish she had.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)
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Video of Reese Witherspoon dancing at a wedding in Capri, Italy, is being billed as hilarious, wild and awesome.

Our scientific opinion? She’s simply adorable, which at the Ministry of Gossip is known as “Reese being Reese.”

Color us biased. Seriously -- do you know who she is??


That Reese possesses such remarkable hands-in-the-air dance moves (watch her in action, via TMZ) is no surprise to fans who remember her dance scene in “This Means War,” a rather unremarkable flick except for the fact that it features eye candy in the form of her, Tom Hardy, Chris Pine and a bunch of stunts and explosions.

Perhaps fueled by that adult beverage we see in her hand at one point, she dances with some other lady guests -- standard wedding behavior -- and then throws her hands in the air like she just don’t care all by herself. Whips her hair back and forth, too.

Again, pretty standard wedding behavior. Nondancing guys, this is what you make us do.

There’s also that little matter of international law: We’re pretty sure that no matter where a woman is in the world, not grooving to “I Will Survive” is a fairly serious offense.

The same rules may also apply to the tune “I Am Woman,” if “Sex and the City 2” was at all authentic.


Kind of scary, though, that “I Will Survive” is the song more likely to be played at a wedding reception ....

Follow Christie D’Zurilla on Twitter @theCDZ and Google+. Follow the Ministry of Gossip on Twitter @LATcelebs.
