
Calendar Letters: That’s the way we (eye) roll now

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Regarding “Firing Heard ’Round News World” [May 12]: Anderson Cooper isn’t the only one who rolled his eyes when Kellyanne Conway “skirted a question about the president’s sudden change of opinion on Comey” by essentially envisioning Russia in her hometown sight lines. I roll my eyes every time a Trump spokesperson issues a statement because I know it is merely an echo of lies. Bravo, Mr. Cooper.

David King


I cannot commend you enough for your brilliant column. You’re right on every point. It’s almost too weird to believe it’s actually happening. When will we kick this madman out? I worry for my children more than anything.


Rick Mervis

Porter Ranch

Payne was a star scientist


Regarding “Around the Galleries: Female-Centric Salute Written in the Stars” [May 10]: Lia Halloran or Sharon Mizota refer to Cecilia Payne as one of the Harvard Computers. She was actually a graduate student on a fellowship taking classes at Harvard and earning a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe, since Harvard, as a strictly men’s college, would not grant her the degree. She completed her doctoral dissertation in just two years. Her research completely revolutionized the interpretation of stellar spectra by separating out the effects of composition and stellar temperature. While employed by Harvard as an astronomer but with much lower pay than her male peers, she later became the first woman to become a a full professor and the first woman to chair a department at Harvard. She was an amazing astronomer and a ground-breaking woman in the highly male-dominated field of astronomy at that time and for many years to come.

Leo Connolly

San Bernardino

Music bridges so many gaps

Your article’s reference to Joan Baez and Snoop Dog bonding [“Joan Baez Rocks? Indeed,” May 9] sheds light on one of the things I so love about music: its ability to bring people together. I watched the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame” show on HBO and, sure enough, during one rap performance, there was 76-year-old Joan bustin’ a move. It also brought back memories of June 6, 1982, when my best friend and I in the stands for “Peace Sunday” at the Rose Bowl, there was Joan at the microphone introducing a “friend of hers” with whom she would duet. “Robert?” she said, turning to her right and — to everyone’s roaring approval and surprise — out strolled Bob Dylan.


William P. Bekkala

West Hollywood

Include teens in the discussion

When running an article such as this [“Worry Over Suicide Drama,” May 16] you should include opinions of teenagers in high school. The educators will always be a bit out touch. In my opinion, the show should be almost mandatory for both teenagers and parents alike because it exposes what teenagers are going through, to which parents and educators are often clueless.

Michele Castagnetti


Credit where credit is due


The story about the voiceover looping group [“At the Forefront of Background Voices,” May 14] stated that the film “Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil” was set in New Orleans; it was set in Savannah, Ga.

Also, “TV This Week” [May 14] mentioned Tim Pigott-Smith as being in “Downton Abbey.” Everyone in that show was good, but he was over-the-top terrific as the sinister police chief in “Jewel In the Crown” during the ’80s.

Warren Cereghino

Pacific Palisades

Issues of race and religion

I enjoyed Margaret Gray’s review of “Actually” [“A Potent Fusion of Thorny Social Issues,” May 13], and I’ll probably buy tickets and see it, but one sentence in the review really rubbed me. “The accuser, Amber, is white and Jewish; the defendant, Tom, is black.” Although Ms. Gray’s review does eventually mention that Amber relates to Tom on some level as a fellow minority, I don’t understand why her religion is mentioned from the start of the review and his isn’t.

Barb Kaplan

Palm Springs

Sure not your father’s Camelot

As I read Justin Chang’s review of Guy Richie’s “King Arthur Legend of the Sword” [“King Arthur Becomes an Action Hero,” May 12], I realized you could actually replace the characters names with the those involved in today’s White House scenario. To use Justin Chang’s sentence “This is not your father’s King Arthur,” “This is not my father’s president.”


Thank you Justin, I saw the light. We’ve got to get out of this rabbit hole.

Bev Torrance

Canyon Country

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