
Bristol Palin: It was the <i>other</i> F-word, and, no, I didn’t approve

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Bristol Palin wants to make it clear: Yes, her 3-year-old son, Tripp, used an F-word. But it wasn’t that F-word, the gay slur, it was the other F-word, currently available in any fast-food line, movie-theater queue or family snowmobile gathering.

Noting on her blog that the Huffington Post was reporting Tripp had used the gay slur on camera, the mini mama grizzly explained what had happened. (You can watch Bristol and her sister’s reaction to the verbal slip in the “Life’s a Tripp” video clip below.)

“Let me be clear,” Palin wrote Monday. “I’m not proud of what he did say. Sadly, he used a different ‘f word.’”


HuffPo, which has since updated its post to include Palin’s explanation, initially made this observation about the bleeped moment: “The Palins have never been known for being particularly gay-friendly — and unfortunately, it seems as if the youngest member of the family is following in the footsteps of his elders.” The post also mentioned Aunt Willow Palin’s use of gay slurs against a classmate in 2010.

Bristol gave background into the origins of her son’s on-camera F-bomb, which does suggest elders were indeed to blame, albeit for a different word.

“Lifetime filmed over 12 months (on and off), and they caught a moment on film that would cause any parent to be red in the face,” she wrote. “Tripp is always surrounded by adults – around the campfires with cousins and their friends, at the shop with my dad and his snowmachine buddies. He’s apparently picked up some language that I’d prefer he not use.”


Lifetime, which carries “Life’s a Tripp,” backed her explanation, Palin noted Tuesday.

“Since I wrote my blog, Lifetime showrunner Matt Lutz came to my defense. ... He told some of the magazines making these false claims that he’s reviewed the raw video several times. In fact, he was actually in the room when it happened!”

So, worst mother ever? Or, this could happen to any parent? Is a 3-year-old cussing, like the passage of healthcare reform, a big F-word deal? Comments elsewhere online have run the full spectrum — watch the video and let us know your thoughts.



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