
Mark Wahlberg earning his high school diploma online

Mark Wahlberg is proving it’s never too late for an education.

Handsome, wealthy movie star or not, Wahlberg is setting out to complete his high school diploma. The actor says his troubled youth derailed him from the milestone, but he’ll shoot for his cap and gown online.

“I quit kind of during the ninth grade,” Wahlberg told David Letterman of schooling in his teen years (watch his full “Late Show” appearance below).

The “Contraband” star will use a new Web-based program in Massachusetts to earn an actual diploma (as opposed to the popular GED equivalent), and transfer the existing credits he earned.


“They’re going to give me whatever credits I already have, which is probably like one or two,” he joked.

If 41-year-old Wahlberg’s own kids aren’t motivation enough, the actor agreed to be an ambassador to the Taco Bell Graduate to Go program - -which simulates college experiences for Boys & Girls Club of America members.

“I’m the ambassador to Taco Bell’s graduate to-go program, they asked me to do this and I was like, ‘Dude, I never graduated,’” Wahlberg said.


Not for long. He’ll begin his classes this month, and expects to finish by winter of 2013. Congrats, Mark!


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