
If Larry Wilmore boycotted the Koch brothers, what would he give up?

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The campaign for the 2016 presidential election is heating up and it’s on all the late-night shows. Rachel Maddow was talking the upcoming primary field with David Letterman on Wednesday and Larry Wilmore on “The Nightly Show” discussed the plan by billionaire siblings Charles and David Koch to spend $889 million in the upcoming election.

“What’s the matter guys, couldn’t swing an even billion?” Wilmore asked.

But as he points out, they’re not just spending that money to win the White House. They’re also supporting various groups that further their political interests, including climate change denial and the abolition of Obamacare and the minimum wage.

“I can’t get behind these guys,” Wilmore said. “This just doesn’t smell right to me.”

So if one were to boycott all Koch Industries products, what would you have to give up?

Dixie cups, American Greetings cards, Stainmaster carpets, Soft ‘n Gentle, Quilted Northern, Angel Soft and Brawny paper products and Lycra.


“OK, fine, so I can’t boycott them,” he conceded.

No matter what, so-called “dark money” will play a huge role in the upcoming elections.

“Keeping with the white-privilege convention of saying everything bad is dark,” he said.

You can watch the whole segment here.

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