
‘Monday Night Raw’ recap: Daniel Bryan needs anger management

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I’m usually not a huge fan of WWE’s backstage skits. Often they are filled with juvenile comedy and go on far too long, sort of like every Adam Sandler movie ever made.

This week on “Monday Night Raw” however, a skit appeared that may make a believer out of me.

It seems that Daniel Bryan, who every week becomes irate when fans start chanting his “Yes! Yes! Yes!” catchphrase, has been ordered by “Raw” GM AJ Lee to undergo anger management counseling. And the results have been hilarious.


The skit featured a child wearing a goat-face mask, a poor guy named Harold who just wanted someone to listen to him, the late arrival of Kane (in his welder’s mask) -- who has anger management issues of his own -- and Kane recounting the entire story of his career in WWE (with mentions of Pete Rose and Katie Vick). The best part was when the counselor asked Kane to share his story and Bryan, with a completely straight face, said, “This is a bad idea.”

So on a night that featured a John Cena match, Triple H deciding his future (result: he’s undecided. Gee, thanks for sharing that Triple H. There’s nothing like segment after segment of hype that “Triple H will decide his future” with the payoff of “I haven’t decided.”) and CM Punk in a cage match, the show was stolen by Daniel Bryan and Kane.

Bryan again last night proved why he is the best part of Raw nowadays (sorry, Punk). Not only is he technically solid in the ring, but his persona is so rich and unpredictable right now that you can’t afford to skip any segment he is in. And he got an able assist from Kane, who has been with WWE so long that it’s easy to take him for granted.

So while Cena and Punk bicker over who should have the title “Best in the World,” Daniel Bryan shows that the answer is clear: It’s Daniel Bryan.


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