VIDEO | 01:42
Josh Scherer proves bacon goes with everything. Even an ice cream sandwich

Josh Scherer proves bacon goes with everything. Even an ice cream sandwich

Josh Scherer shows us his raw bacon weaving technique. Why? Chocolate ice cream sandwiches, of course. Stay with us here.

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Mythical Kitchen” host Josh Scherer demonstrates his raw bacon weaving technique in the L.A. Times Test Kitchen. Why weave bacon? Chocolate-dipped bacon ice cream sandwiches, for one thing.

Get the full recipe for Milk Chocolate-Dipped Bacon Ice Cream Sandwiches at Also read L.A. Times Food reporter Stephanie Breijo’s story on Scherer: The secret to French onion ramen and other life lessons from “The Mythical Cookbook.” And see Scherer in person on the L.A. Times Cooking Stage at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on Saturday, April 20 at 2 p.m.
