
Looking for your Red Bull refund? Here’s how to get your money

Red Bull drinkers are eligible for $10 cash or $15 in products after the company said it settled two class-action lawsuits claiming false advertising.
Red Bull drinkers are eligible for $10 cash or $15 in products after the company said it settled two class-action lawsuits claiming false advertising.
(Lawrence K. Ho / Los Angeles Times)

Many Red Bull drinkers were happy to learn that they were eligible for a little cash after the company agreed to pay $13 million to settle two class-action lawsuits this week. The suits were brought after some customers were dismayed to find the energy drink didn’t actually give them wings -- or increase reaction time.

The only problem with the settlement payout? There are a lot of Red Bull drinkers.

Any customers who purchased Red Bull products between Jan. 1, 2002, and Oct. 3, 2014, are entitled to $10 in cash. Or if you simply can’t get enough of that bubble gum metallic flavor, you can have $15 in Red Bull products. We know. That amount doesn’t seem like adequate consolation when you were expecting to fly.


But if you’re still interested in getting your share, it may be faster if you skip the Internet. The site where customers can file settlement claims has experienced crashing issues. A better bet is to call (877) 495-1568 and ask that a form be sent to you through snail mail. You will not need to provide proof of purchase.

You may also email the settlement administrator, or fax your claim to (844) 553-1373. Or mail your form to: Class Action Settlement Administrator, Energy Drink Settlement, c/o GCG, P.O. Box 35123, Seattle, WA 98124-5123.

Whichever route you take, just remember to do it before March 2, 2015. And know that, depending on how many Red Bull drinkers file a claim, that $10 may shrink. As Buzzfeed pointed out, the settlement is capped at $13 million. The more people who file claims, the smaller the reward amount for everyone


If approved in a May court hearing, Red Bull customers who successfully filed claim forms will receive payment within 150 days of the approval.

Red Bull, meanwhile, is standing by its slogan.

“Red Bull denies any wrongdoing or liability and while Red Bull believes that its marketing and labeling have always been entirely truthful and accurate, it confirms that all future claims about the functional benefits of its products will be medically and/or scientifically supported,” the company said in a statement.

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