
Tips from Asador Etxebarri’s Victor Arguinzoniz on grilling over wood

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In the Spanish Basque country, grilling over wood is an ancient tradition. And at Asador Etxebarri, Victor Arguinzoniz has taken the technique to new heights.

• A hot fire puts a char on meat, but for fish and seafood, Arguinzoniz works with a much gentler fire. Try letting wood burn down to embers. Cooking over a slow fire allows the ingredients’ flavors to bloom without being obscured by the wood’s smoke.

• Some things he doesn’t put directly on the grill. Fish or shrimp go in wire baskets. And he’ll cook wild mushrooms or bufala milk for his mozzarella and burrata in a pan set on top of the grill over a slow fire or the embers.

• You won’t have enough control over the fire with a fixed grill. It’s essential to have a barbecue with a grill that can be moved up and down so the distance from the fire can be adjusted. A Santa Maria-style grill has that capability, and so do some others on the market.


• Keep in mind that everything doesn’t need a char or grill marks. A subtle touch with the barbecue can be magic.

• Experiment. Have patience. That’s how Arguinzoniz, a self-taught cook, got to this level. And he didn’t do it overnight.

—S. Irene Virbila
