
21 things your flight attendant won’t tell you

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If you’re a frequent flyer, you probably think you are an air travel expert. While you might know a thing or two more than the other passengers on board, you’re far from being the number one expert on that flight. There is one group of people who know far more than you ever could about flying - the people who get paid to do it.

Click here for the 20 Things Your Flight Attendant Won’t Tell You Slideshow.

While some people see flight attendants as nothing more than drink-slinging cabin crew, there’s a lot more to the job. Their primary responsibility is the safety and well-being of their passengers, and flight attendants know more than you can imagine about the ins and outs of air travel. Most will be more than happy to answer your questions - but there are some things they’re less likely to volunteer.


For instance, did you know that many pillows and blankets aren’t washed between flights? They’re simply folded up and stuffed back into the overhead bins. So when you nap with a pillow or blanket, you nap with everyone that pillow or blanket has ever napped with.

Luckily for you, you don’t have to fly completely blind, as we’ve gathered a collection of 20 things you should feel lucky to know. Or rather, 20 things your flight attendants will probably be grateful that you’ve learned before boarding their flight!

Matt Sulem, Holly Van Hare, and Syjil Ashraf contributed to this roundup


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