
Kim Kardashian tried Kourtney’s breast milk

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Users of Kim Kardashian’s official app were in for an interesting read on October 17, when the reality star shared her experience drinking the breast milk of her sister, Kourtney. Her odd snack choice was inspired by her ongoing battle with psoriasis; she’d been told that breast milk could help to mitigate the painful, debilitating symptoms.

Psoriasis is characterized by cell buildup on the skin that shows in dry, itchy, scaly patches. The reality star has been called brave for her recent reveal of photos of her patchy legs, alongside an open conversation about her battle with disease.

She opened up about her diagnosis in 2010, and has now finally come to terms with her incurable condition. But that doesn’t mean she’s stopped struggling. “After having had it for over seven years, I feel like I’ve accepted it,” the reality star admitted, “but there are still times when I can feel insecure about it.”


Kim’s mother, Kris Jenner, also lives with the disease, and has been helping her daughter find ways to treat it. “I’ve tried some basic treatment methods, but I’m always open to trying new things,” Kim Kardashian explained. “One time, I even tried using Kourt’s breast milk, lol!”

Along with the unusual beverage, Kim has tried “following a low-acid diet, cortisone shots, and topical cortisone creams.” Anything to mitigate that horrible, relentless itching.

The famous-for-being-famous mother of two and wife of Kanye West did not specify whether she drank the breast milk or simply applied it to her skin, as some rumors say it can act as a cooling topical cream. Either way, though, it doesn’t seem to have been an effective mode of treatment for Kardashian.

We wouldn’t be all that shocked if she did drink it, though - the Kardashians are notorious for some oddball dietary choices.
