
Where to find America’s best apple pies

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The Daily Meal

Apple pie, a traditional, apple-filled dessert with sweet, flaky pastry, was brought to American culture during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and became a symbol of American national pride. But how did apples become such a symbol for everything that is good, wholesome, and all-American?

For the Where to Find America’s Best Apple Pies slideshow, click here.

Apples, easy to store and grow, were an important staple in the diets of the early American settlers. The pioneer apple farmer John Chapman may be part of the reason apples and apple pie first became strongly associated with good, strong all- American values. Known in folklore as Johnny Appleseed, he was a visionary wanderer with a dream to grow so many apples that no American would ever go hungry, who planted apple seeds across the country, wherever he went.


There are thousands and thousands of apple pies sold in restaurants across America on a daily basis, served hot, served cold, with whipped cream or à la mode, if you are looking for apple pie, you need not look far to find a slice. But where are the best apple pies in the country to be found? We scoured the internet, read every “best pie” list we could find and leafed through pages and pages of reviews to compose a list of the best apple pies in America. Some may surprise you, and some you may already know, but one thing is certain: These pie shops and bakeries are where you should seek the best apple pie in America.
