
CDC warns people who have consumed raw milk to see a doctor

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A New Jersey woman was sickened with Brucella RB51 after drinking raw milk delivered to her by Udder Milk. The New Jersey Department of Health has since ordered Udder Milk to stop selling its raw milk in the state. The brand was distributing their raw milk in New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, but after the cease-and-desist order they have closed their website down.

The company calls itself a “co-op on wheels” that makes deliveries throughout various states via online purchases. Officials have not yet been able to determine where the milk was produced, reports.

The state news outlet consulted New Jersey epidemiologist Dr. Tina Tan who said that, “People should know that, in general, unpasteurized milk may contain dangerous bacteria and those who have become ill after consuming raw milk products should immediately consult a medical professional.”


“It is illegal to sell or distribute raw milk or products made from raw milk, such as yogurt, soft cheese, and ice cream in the state,” she added.

The CDC is urging anyone who has consumed raw milk in the last six months, especially raw milk from Udder Milk, to consult a physician and check for symptoms of Brucella RB51. If left untreated the infection can result in arthritis, heart problems, enlargement of the spleen or liver, and meningitis. Never heard of Brucella RB51? How about any of the world’s biggest food poisoning scares?
