
Girl rescued from McDonald’s PlayPlace after she dislocated her knee

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Ten-year-old Hannah Bickford of Massachusetts became trapped inside the highest point of an indoor playground at McDonald’s after dislocating her knee. When a firefighter came to her rescue, she smiled at him and made a joke.

“She told him she should have went to Burger King,” Hannah’s mom, Melissa Bickford, told the (Worcester, Mass.) Telegram.

Hannah’s calm belied what was actually a fairly complicated rescue. Because McDonald’s PlayPlace is designed for small children, emergency officials had a difficult time maneuvering through equipment and conquering claustrophobia. Fire Chief Robert P. Parsons said firefighters train to rescue civilians from high angles and confined spaces, but this incident forced them to face unusual obstacles.


When the team finally reached Hannah, they had no choice but to cut a hole in the playground equipment to help get her out - something her mother was nervous about, for she claims loud noises have triggered seizures for Hannah. But she was soon hoisted to safety and, according to her mom, her knee was hurting but she was pretty calm.

Hannah was transported to a local hospital for medical treatment. Shortly after, she returned home with a knee brace. She is expected to recover but will need physical therapy moving forward.

Hannah’s mother is not pursuing legal action again the Golden Arches. She told the Telegram it was merely an accident and no one in particular is responsible for it happening. She is thankful to everyone who helped her daughter and said Hannah will be back at McDonald’s soon, adding, “She’d eat there every night if she could.”


For more on the Illinois-based fast-food chain, here are 15 McDonald’s menu items you’ll never see again.

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