
Foods that need to go away in 2018

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The Daily Meal

Like every year, 2017 had its fair share of food trends, some smart and some dumb. The exciting ones were certainly worth celebrating, but the dumb ones were really, really bad. We’ve rounded up 12 trendy foods that should really just go away now that 2018 has arrived.

Foods That Need to Go Away in 2018 (Gallery)

The word twee is defined as “excessively or affectedly quaint, petty, or sentimental.” If you haven’t noticed, we’re living in an era of twee foods. When a food item is created for the express purpose of being cooed over and Instagrammed, it’s twee. When a pedestrian food item is suddenly given new life because somebody decided to make it multi-colored, it’s twee. When something is pumpkin-spiced for no obvious reason, it’s twee. Not all of the following foods are twee, but the majority of them are.


The majority of the dumbest foods out there all have a common root: the idea that food primarily exists to be seen and not eaten. We’re not saying that food shouldn’t be prepared with an eye for aesthetics and presentation, but if a food is invented with little to no regard for flavor and instead only reflects a desire to get as many people to Instagram it as possible, should it even be considered food?

Now, we’re not saying you have to agree with us, but when we see someone line up for an hour to spend 10 bucks on a food product that will be Instagrammed and tossed in the trash (with maybe a bite or two taken beforehand), we see something that’s very wrong.

With 2018 upon us, we have the opportunity to reconsider what becomes trendy and what finds its way onto the back burner of history, like foams and Snackwells. Let’s stop judging food by its Instagram-worthiness and instead judge it by, you know, whether it tastes good. Here are 12 foods that really need to go away in 2018.


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