
Police recover world’s most expensive vodka bottle, but it’s empty

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Last week someone stole the world’s most expensive bottle of vodka from a bar in Denmark. Now the $1.3 million bottle has been found abandoned at a construction site in Copenhagen, and it looks like somebody drank all the contents.

According to the BBC, the bottle was stolen early Tuesday from Café 33 in Copenhagen, where it was on display among a collection of other vodkas. The Russo-Baltique vodka was made from snow melted from the French alps, and it sounds like the thief may have consumed the vodka, because when police found the bottle, it was empty.

“I don’t know what happened with the vodka, but the bottle was empty,” a spokesperson for the Copenhagen police said.


Fortunately for Café 33 owner Brian Ingberg and the Dartz Motor Company, which owns the bottle, the vodka itself was not what made the bottle valuable. Vodka isn’t actaully supposed to taste like anything, so the bottle’s contents did not boast any particularly valuable flavors. The bottle itself, however, was made of nearly seven pounds of gold and an equivalent amount of silver. The cap was crusted with diamonds and designed to look like a vintage hood ornament. Even with the contents gone, the bottle is reportedly still worth $1.3 million, so nobody really cares that it was empty when police found it.

“I feel fantastic. The vodka god saved us,” Ingberg said to Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet.

The investigation to find the culprit is ongoing, but Ingberg says he thinks the thief changed his mind after realizing the police and the bottle’s owner were really going to be looking for it. A one-of-a-kind bottle worth $1.3 million is not easy to get rid of.


The bottle was found at a construction site, and although it was dented and empty, its owners are thrilled to have it back. Ingberg says the bottle will be refilled with more vodka. One hopes nobody will try to swipe it again, but a bottle worth $1.3 million is pretty tempting, and restaurants are prime targets for thieves. Here are nine of the most memorable crimes that went down at fast food restaurants.

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