
British expats in France charter a plane to bring them curry

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Expats living abroad often have a slew of complaints about things that aren’t quite the way they were at home, but one would not normally expect expats in southwest France to complain about the food. A group of British citizens living near Bordeaux, however, claim that it’s virtually impossible to get good Indian food in France’s famed wine-growing region, so they’re hiring a charter plane to fly to the U.K. and bring them takeout.

According to The Local, the plan is the brainchild of a group of British expats who say they can’t find a good curry in southwest France. At first they just complained to each other about how the local food wasn’t spicy enough, but then a few of them got the wacky idea to hire a plane to fly a big curry dinner in from the U.K. Once they got a big enough group on board, the plan was a go.

“Ever wished you could get a ‘proper’ Indian takeaway in deepest darkest France?” one of the organizers, British expat James Emery, reportedly posted on Facebook to other expats in the area. “Together with a couple friends we hatched a hair-brained scheme to charter a plane and fly one in, for one night only.”


On January 13, the group will send a charter plane from France to the U.K., where it will be loaded with take-out food from the Akash restaurant in Portsmouth. Then the plane will fly to the Bordeaux Saucats Airfield, where approximately 50 British expats and other curry lovers will be waiting to enjoy a huge meal of Indian take-out and beer. The restaurant is charging approximately $43 per person for an extensive menu of dishes, sides, rice, and bread, but private sponsors are reportedly covering much of the cost of the big party.

The airfield is reportedly equipped to reheat the food after its trip, and the meal will happen right there after the plane lands. Bordeaux certainly has some amazing food, but sometimes a person gets an insatiable craving for something specific, and nothing else will do. If the weather cooperates, the expats should get their takeout on Saturday. After that, they’ll just have to go back to being content with being surrounded by some of the best restaurants in Europe.

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