
17 hacks for booking last-minute spring break deals

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The Daily Meal

As winter draws to a close and the weather in the Northern Hemisphere begins to improve (climate change notwithstanding), now is the time to think about your spring vacation plans. Even if you’re not in school anymore or don’t have any kids who are, it’s important to take a spring break to shake off the winter blues, and now is your last chance.

17 Hacks for Booking Last-Minute Spring Break Deals Gallery

There are ways, however, to find good deals at the last minute. Remember that accommodations don’t have to be limited to hotels, and expanding your search to multiple airlines and airports helps, too. Your credit card company may also be able to help, as can different apps and websites dedicated to helping you spare your wallet. Believe it or not, you can also sometimes get free food or places to stay by helping out locals! Travel can involve a lot of planning, but it doesn’t have to be hard or stressful. Here are some creative tips for saving time as well as money for your last-minute spring travel plans.


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