
5 best hangover cures for New Year’s Day

Runny eggs will cure what ails you.
(Mariah Tauger / Los Angeles Times)

The morning after New Year’s Eve isn’t the time to lean into your dietary resolutions, it’s the time to salve the self-inflected wounds from the night before. To that end:

Potato tacos
Top with cheese and chiles for extra flavor.
(Mariah Tauger / Los Angeles Times)

For carb-on-carb goodness, you can’t do better than tacos stuffed with potatoes.

Egg and cheese skillet pancake
Serve this pancake straight out of the skillet.
(Dylan + Jeni / For The Times)

Eggs + savory pancake + syrup = healing

Serve this shakshuka with warm pita or naan.
(Mariah Tauger / Los Angeles Times)

Make some runny eggs to sop up with lots of bread — naan or pita in this case — in this spicy shakshuka-palak paneer hybrid.

Grilled cheese
Eat this grilled cheese hot out of the pan.
(Mariah Tauger / Los Angeles Times)

Maybe you’ve slept through the morning and are ready for lunch? Try this grilled cheese stuffed with corn.

You need only five ingredients for this easy carbonara.
(Leslie Grow / For the Times)

Has lunch passed you by? Is it already time for dinner? Then it’s carbonara time. Easy, rich, eat it and melt back into the couch. You’re gonna be OK tomorrow.

Science says there’s no cure for a hangover. I tried five over-the-counter hangover remedies anyway. And the patches actually worked.

Why, I sometimes wonder, do hangovers wear themselves out when faced with the primal — not the flannel cakes at Musso & Frank Grill, which are served during the proper hours of 11:30 to 3, but the horrifying mass of a Lucky Boy breakfast burrito; not the dense cheese omelet at Petit Trois but the Expo ’73 at Uncle Bill’s in Manhattan Beach.
