
Talk Back: When it comes to healthcare, can we move forward?

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Healthcare overhaul -- note that we didn’t call it reform (that appears to be a subject of some dispute) -- was wrapped up last year, we were told. Perhaps you recall the preceding and ensuing outrage, cheers and laments, all followed by a period of relative quiet. President Obama even signed the measure into law, a fairly official act by most standards. And still the politics continues.

Noam Levey, a D.C. reporter for the Tribune Co., wrote earlier this week: “Following up on their largely symbolic vote to repeal the new healthcare law, House Republicans moved ahead Thursday with more targeted efforts to advance their own healthcare initiatives, including deregulating health insurance sales.” Read full story.

Columnist David Lazarus, writing for the Los Angeles Times, condemned such efforts: “The healthcare reform law, while imperfect, is a done deal. The prudent thing to do at this point is to build on it rather than waste time with fruitless — and needlessly divisive — political grandstanding.” Read full column.

The continuing debate raises questions about whether we as a nation can accomplish anything further in the healthcare realm.


TELL US WHAT YOU THINK: Is better healthcare for Americans even possible?

Here’s a look from the ever-even-handed on healthcare and the related issues, whether fabricated or not. Start with the core question: Are the March 2010 federal health care reform laws good for America?

Then let’s ask each other and ourselves: If the current “debate” amounts simply to politics, pure and simple (as if there were such a thing), what can we do to actually move forward?
