
Cap’n Crunch may be staying put, but the nutrition boat has sailed

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Cap’n Crunch is going! No, he’s staying! No, he’s going! No... Back and forth have gone the reports (and speculation) about the breakfast cereal’s fate. Apparently, PepsiCo.’s newfound faith in good nutrition made some market watchers doubt the company’s commitment to one of its longtime brands.

The Cap’n’s new Twitter account, however, disputes reports of his demise as premature.

Former kids, presumably now adults, who got hyped up on the stuff while watching Saturday TV may cheer. The less nostalgic may simply return to browsing labels on cereals with more nutritional heft. They have many from which to choose.


Let’s take a look at the good Cap’n’s nutritional rundown.

Calories per 3/4 cup serving: 109 (because isn’t that a typical serving size of breakfast cereal?)

Total Fat: 1.6 grams, or 2%

Saturated Fat: 1.1 grams, or 6%

Sodium: 202 milligrams, or 8%

Total Carbohydrates: 22.9 grams, or 8%

Dietary Fiber 0.7 grams, or 3%

Sugars: 11.8g

Protein: 1.2g

Vitamin A: 1%

Calcium: 0%

Vitamin C 0%

Iron: 29%

But no trans fats! And no cholesterol!

The percentages are the Daily Value recommended in a 2,000-calorie diet. And active, older kids might (repeat, might) even need that amount, according to this calorie/activity chart offered by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.

That breakdown is from CalorieCount, which also offers the breakdown for Peanut Butter Crunch. Short version: more calories.

If you’re interested,, which translates the Cap’n’s nutritional toll for a 1-cup serving, lists “healthy” alternatives. Though I can’t say that Cheese Ricecakes have much appeal either.

As for the Cap’n Crunch website, it’s a goldmine. But not if you’re looking for specifics.

“What is the nutritional value of Original Cap’n Crunch?”

“Cap’n Crunch is a great-tasting cereal which supplies grains, an excellent source of seven essential vitamins, is low in fat, cholesterol-free, has 0 grams of trans fat, and contains 1 gram of fiber. When consumed with milk and some fruit or 100% juice, it can be part of breakfast that helps kids start the day.”


“Why should kids and adults eat Cap’n Crunch?”

“Breakfast provides the fuel to help kids power through mornings. According to the American Dietetic Association, kids who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to meet their daily nutritional needs and keep their weight in control. Cereals, like Cap’n Crunch, are a good choice for busy parents who need to make breakfast quickly – and it’s easy for kids to prepare themselves. And the unique texture stays crunchy in milk!”

Please. Even kids know the “part of breakfast” reference actually means “you really should eat something more nutritious.”

But the Cap’n and others of his ilk truly can be part of a nutritious breakfast. Toss in some lean protein, fiber, fruit, maybe some dairy and you’ve got a fine breakfast, with dessert.bsp;
