
The experience: Festival of Books 2019

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We started our morning slowly, since Dante decided to wake up at 9:00 am and of course i prefer him being in a good mood since the trip was going to be long. Made breakfast and prepared some snacks for him, diaper bag, baby essentials of course.

We had to meet the LWH team at 10 am, we were there at 12 pm (Those with children will understand the struggle). As soon as we rushed into the LA Times Festival of books, there was this area for kids/babies of course Dante was astonished, he was looking around pointing at everything. I was happy to see him so excited for all the areas that LA times en Español had, we went to the play area there was this playground with baseball, basketball, and a pool of balls (which of course Dante was jumping all around, laughing and screaming). We were both working and enjoying, he would just run to every corner screaming “MIRA” (Means look in spanish) and start playing with other kids that were there. Also i almost forgot to mention, there was this “Breastfeeding, changing diaper station” all i can say is GENIUS! a lifesaver for moms in middle of a place that you barely know, a safe zone for mommies and babies to have their breastfeeding breaks without the “blankie” on top or having judgey eyes looking because “BREASTFEEDING IN PUBLIC IT’S NOT APPROPIATE” for some people or well for shy mommies. As soon i went in there it was so comfortable, a table equipped with diapers of all sizes, wipes and clean paper to put your baby on which they were changing every time a baby was changed there. That’s what we need, essentials, safe and comfortable areas for parents, sometimes we won’t attend to events of that magnitude because of the struggle to be with a baby specially a newborn, some places have bathrooms too far and doesn’t even have a changing pad. Everything was so nice, both my son and my team enjoyed to go around and play at the time we were doing our stuff. Would i recommend this event for other youngster families? ABSOLUTELY, nothing to worry about, we need to encourage our babies to be more into books than TV or the iPad, (by the way i hate when parents opt to give as a gift an ipad to a 2 year old, like WHY?). This was a different experience, if i knew befire it was such a fun family environment i would have come since way before. Besides i love books, my son loves books too and why not have fun while interacting with parents that have the same mindset. Oh, and they had this painting section, that’s when Dante went CRAZY, he loves painting, they had all the equipment for them, letting kids work in their creativity, so nice.

I’m so grateful with LA Times en Español for the opportunity of sharing this moment with my baby boy, and share my little piece of mind as a Young first time mom. Just lovely.
