
Response to Terror

The story in pictures, from the day of the attack to the continuing military campaign in Afghanistan.

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Response to TerrorThe Prison Revolt at Mazar-i-Sharif
The Northern Alliance battles Taliban prisoners of war.

Response to TerrorThe Northern Alliance
Scenes from the front line between Taliban and Northern Alliance Territory.

Response to TerrorAnthrax-Laced Letters
Letters containing two forms of anthrax are delivered through U.S. mail.

Response to TerrorStars and Stripes and Icons
Los Angeles Times photographers share the stories behind their work.

Response to TerrorOn the Front Line
The Northern Alliance watches a war unfold at its borders.

Response to TerrorThe Shamshatoo Refugee Camp
Tents and mud buildings provide shelter for thousands of Afghans.

Response to TerrorAssessing the Damage
Aerial photos of military targets in Afghanistan show what they looked before and after being struck by the U.S.

Response to TerrorMemorial for the Fallen
One month later, memorial services are held for those killed.

Response to TerrorStrength Amid Sadness
From coast to coast, Americans rally for support.

Response to TerrorWorld Reaction
Osama bin Laden makes a televised statement. Nations express support for U.S.-led attacks.

Response to TerrorU.S. Strikes Back
President Bush announces airstrikes in Afghanistan.

Response to TerrorCity of Misery
In Jalozai, Pakistan, Afghan refugees choose to live in dirt and poverty rather than face hunger and other hardships under Afghanistan's strict Taliban regime.

Response to TerrorHijack Suspects
The FBI identifies 19 men suspected of hijacking four planes during the suicide missions of Sept. 11.

Response to TerrorRefugees and Prisoners of War
Taliban fighters are imprisoned as Afghans head north.

Response to TerrorFace of Terror: Osama Bin Laden
Saudi millionaire becomes the face of terrorism for a new century.

Response to TerrorWar and Peace
Anti-war and anti-U.S. demonstrations begin. President Bush addresses the nation.

Response to TerrorHeading for the Mideast
U.S. armed forces get underway to overseas deployments.

Response to TerrorThe Workers
Rescue, security and cleanup crews unite at Ground Zero.

Response to TerrorKeeping the Faith
Mourners find solace in community.

Response to TerrorReaction to a Tragedy
The sports world reacts to the terrorist attacks in Washington and New York.

Response to TerrorLos Angeles Mourns
Mayor James Hahn leads a memorial at City Hall. Friends, family are commemorated in ceremonies around town.

Response to TerrorSearch and Recovery
Rescue workers labor around the clock in hopes of finding survivors.

Response to TerrorAmerica Remembers
President Bush declares a national day of remembrance for those killed. Grieving Americans unite in prayer.

Response to TerrorThree Minutes Across Europe
From London to Leningrad, a momentary silence is observed to express solidarity.

Response to TerrorSearching, Grieving, Reacting
Rescue workers sift through the wreckage. Public memorials grow.

Response to TerrorThe Day After
Damage is assessed as airports are closed and security tightens. The search for missing family and friends continues.

Response to TerrorU.S. Under Attack
Terrorists hijack airliners and steer them into the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon. A fourth plane crashes into a Pennsylvania field.
