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The Los Angeles Times and CareerBuilder have created a powerhouse that will change your recruitment strategies forever.
• Los Angeles Times CareerBuilder Section
• Los Angeles Times Jobs Magazine
• CareerBuilder on
• CareerBuilder Expos
Why Los Angeles?
Los Angeles is the country's second largest market. You cannot afford to not advertise in the LA market.
• As the second largest DMA in the U.S., Los Angeles is nearly twice the size of third-ranked Chicago.
• 8.5 Million people are employed in the Los Angeles 5-county area, representing 56% of total employment in California.
• The Los Angeles area's economy encompasses everything from huge international ports to automobile design operations to food processing plants, not to mention the region's deeply rooted entertainment and aerospace industries.

Source: 2004 LAEDC Economic Forecast.
Why the Los Angeles Times?
The Los Angeles Times offers an efficient recruitment advertising solution to reach the job seekers you need.
• The Los Angeles Times reaches 3.0 million readers on Sunday and 2.0 million daily, making it the #1 metropolitan daily paper in the country.
• An ad in the Los Angeles Times reaches more people than any prime time television program, drive-time radio program, freeway billboard, national magazine or newspaper.
• The Los Angeles Times reaches more college graduates, professionals, managers and technical workers in Los Angeles than other leading papers do in their markets.
• The Los Angeles Times reaches more Southern California adults than the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the New York Times combined.
The Total Solution to Your Recruitment Needs
The Los Angeles Times can support your Web advertising campaign with one in print.
