
Why the Los Angeles Times?

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The Los Angeles Times offers an efficient recruitment advertising solution to reach the job seekers you need.
• The Los Angeles Times reaches 3.0 million readers on Sunday and 2.0 million daily, making it the #1 metropolitan daily paper in the country.
• An ad in the Los Angeles Times reaches more people than any prime time television program, drive-time radio program, freeway billboard, national magazine or newspaper.
• The Los Angeles Times reaches more Southern California adults than the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the New York Times combined.
According to a national survey conducted by the Olsten Group, surveyed said more than 43% of new hires will be recruited by classified advertising. That fact, coupled with the enormous growth of Internet users, will give you more access to qualified candidates than ever before.
Facts about newspapers:
• 64% of adults read the newspaper every day
• Almost two-thirds of adults read the Sunday paper
• 41% of 18-24 year olds read a newspaper every day
Facts about the Los Angeles Times:
• Sunday - 3.0 million readers
• Daily - 2.0 million readers
• Over 50% of Southern California job seekers choose the Times

Sources: 2004 Scarborough Research - Los Angeles Study, release 2; Los Angeles Times Research Department.
Advertising Opportunities

 CareerBuilder Section
Introducing the Los Angeles Times CareerBuilder section. To start, it reaches more than 3.9 million active and passive job seekers every Sunday.

Here is where our readers turn to scrutinize thousands of new job opportunities in virtually every profession. It's also where they turn to learn the latest in local and national recruitment news.

For readers, the section features:
• Articles that help readers build their careers and prepare for their job searches.
• Career advice from a panel of CareerBuilder experts, providing guidance and recommendations to help people get new jobs or improve the ones they have.
• Facts, figures, data, and charts that will help job seekers keep their pulse on both the local and national job markets.
• Profiles of prominent local business people and how they succeeded in their careers.
• Online poll results from the CareerBuilder Network.
• Information about how to use our website - - to find jobs, learn about companies, and contact employers directly
• Thousands of job opportunities every Sunday. From accounting to zoology.
For advertisers, the section features:
• Premium advertising opportunities, including 3 flexible sizes and placement opportunities
• One stop shopping. The new CareerBuilder section now works in combination with careerbuilder on This is the first newspaper section that directly drives traffic to your online advertising.
Front Page Advertising Opportunities:
Get noticed by advertising on the front page of the CareerBuilder section. Every Sunday, you can reach job seekers and keep your company top of mind. And how with flexible size and placement opportunities!

Position 1
Ad Size: 2.144" x 3"
Space Deadline: Wednesday prior to publication.
Rate: $2,500
Position 2
Ad Size: 5.81" x 3"
Space Deadline: Wednesday prior to publication.
Rate: $7,500
Position 3
Ad Size: 11.5" x 3"
Space Deadline: Wednesday prior to publication.
Rate: $13,000
Frequency rates are also available for these advertising opportunities.
For more information, please contact:
Chelle Davila,,
1-800-LATIMES ext. 77401
2003 Scarborough Research - Los Angeles Study, release 1; Los Angeles Times Research Department.




