
Column: Is it time for a 9/11-style commission to investigate Russian election meddling? Congressman Adam Schiff answers

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He occupies a piece of political ground that’s become high profile even on Capitol Hill — in spite of the fact that he’s a Democrat, in the party out of power. Congressman Adam B. Schiff is one of the two Californians who sits atop what’s become one of the most scrutinized committees in Congress — the House intelligence committee. The chairman is Republican Devin Nunes of Tulare; Schiff, of Burbank, is the committee’s top Democrat. It falls to their committee, as it does to its Senate counterpart, to investigate Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Schiff analyzes the task before his committee, and questions how President Donald Trump’s credibility and ability are challenging bipartisanship, Congress and the nation.

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