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It’s rankling when grandstanding politicians, seeking freebie tube time, inject themselves into every news event. Of course, when they don’t, cartoonists are happy to do it for them. Pat Oliphant took a metaphorical run at Hillary Clinton jogging on a crumbling bridge. To Mike Luckovich, Dick Cheney’s executive power play plays out chiefly about -- Hillary Clinton. And Signe Wilkinson chose the departure of President Bush’s Brain (or Turd Blossom, if you prefer Dubya’s nickname for Karl Rove) to depict how The Architect saw the plans of -- you guessed it -- Hillary!

To hear us tell it, or draw it, you’d think everything was about the former first lady and would-be first lady president. By the way, my sources say she’s against lead-paint-ridden pacifiers, never wagered on NBA games or her own elections and doesn’t intend to buy the O.J. book. Just so you know.

-- Joel Pett
