
About that Giants error: Reporter left her brain in San Francisco?

Giants fans celebrate outside San Francisco City Hall.
(Noah Berger/Associated Press)
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San Francisco bureau chief Maria L. La Ganga wrote a LATExtra section article about her city’s celebrations after the Giants won the World Series on Sunday night.

But one erroneous line in the article jumped out at readers -- a reference to the Giants having “left Brooklyn behind to play their first season” in San Francisco in 1958.

“Oh, the horror!” Bob Ewing of Whittier wrote to The Times. “I may have been a Jersey boy, but I knew that the Giants played in Manhattan, the Yankees just a short distance away in the Bronx, and the Dodgers in that ‘city across the river’ known as Brooklyn. Please help Maria with this important geographic footnote.”


And Warren Cereghino of Pacific Palisades wrote, “The Dodgers moved out from Brooklyn after the 1957 season. The Giants moved out from Manhattan after the 1957. The Giants played at the Polo Grounds in upper Manhattan throughout their existence.”

But La Ganga was already aware of the mistake before the emails from Ewing and Cereghino had even reached the Readers’ Rep inbox. She’d heard from a few readers herself, as she explained in a post on the L.A. Now blog:

I left my brain in San Francisco,

High on a hill, it calls to me.

That’s the only possible explanation for the egregious error I made in a story about Sunday night’s outpouring of joy in San Francisco over the Giants’ four-game sweep of the shell-shocked Detroit Tigers in the World Series.


My brain and I have finally reconnected, thanks to an outpouring of emails (mostly gracious) and some online comments (much less so).

She went on to good-naturedly consider the reasons behind the slip, but concluded:

And truly, as in any mistake, I only have myself to blame. So, mea culpa. One point of order, however. I live in San Francisco. For all the good it did me Sunday night.

A correction is already online and is planned for Tuesday’s print edition.


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