
International Reporting: David Zucchino

The following stories were submitted for Pulitzer Prize consideration.

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By David Zucchino
An embedded reporter has an exhilarating, if terrifying, window on the unscripted world of men in combat. In ways, he was one of them.
May 3, 2003

By David Zucchino
Fewer than 1,000 soldiers were ordered to capture a city of 5 million Iraqis. Theirs is a story that may become military legend.
December 7, 2003

By David Zucchino
Missteps and erratic orders by Hussein and his son Qusai hastened the collapse of an already fractured military, ex-officers say.
August 11, 2003

By David Zucchino
Iraqi imams turn away soldiers offering the frozen birds to win over hearts and minds in a city that has been a center of resistance.
July 15, 2003

By David Zucchino
Army troops work to break up fights, chase away looters and listen to residents' complaints.
April 22, 2003

By David Zucchino
BAGHDAD -- The regime of Saddam Hussein is dead. Now its trappings and underpinnings are being crushed under the footfalls of American soldiers.
April 20, 2003

By David Zucchino
BAGHDAD -- They called the roll for the 2nd Brigade on Saturday morning.
April 27, 2003

By David Zucchino
An estimated $650 million in cash discovered in barricaded cottages will be held for the Iraqi people, U.S. officials say.
April 19, 2003

By David Zucchino
Under fire in Baghdad, the men in a Bradley fighting vehicle call in an airstrike. It's an exercise in frantic coordination.
April 9, 2003

By David Zucchino
Thousands cheer a U.S. convoy after a colonel pays respects to Najaf's top cleric near a mosque revered by Shiites.
April 3, 2003
