
For the record - Nov. 15, 2012

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Alfred Hitchcock: In the Nov. 11 Calendar section, an article about film director Alfred Hitchcock said that his 1958 movie “Vertigo” was made for Universal. It was originally released by Paramount.

“Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance”: In the Nov. 13 Calendar section, a photo caption that accompanied an art review of the Getty Museum’s “Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance” identified Taddeo Gaddi as the creator of a work showing the Virgin Mary and Sts. Thomas Aquinas and Paul. The artist was Bernardo Daddi.

College basketball: An article in the Nov. 14 Sports section about USC’s 62-44 men’s basketball victory over Long Beach State said that freshman Chass Bryan made two consecutive three-point baskets in the second half. The shots were two-point baskets.
