
For the record - March 9, 2014

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Oregon and gay marriage: In the March 2 Section A, an article about the debate over same-sex marriage in Oregon gave Portland Archbishop Alexander K. Sample’s first name as Andrew.

Anthony Bay profile: In the March 2 Business section, a How I Made It profile of Rdio Chief Executive Anthony Bay said that he received his bachelor’s degree in economics from USC. The degree is from UCLA.

Data security: The Housing Scene column in the March 2 Business section about how to ensure that personal mortgage information is safe from hackers said that Brian Koss is president of Mortgage Network. Koss is executive vice president.


Eliot Ness: In the March 2 Section A, an article about the controversy over naming the new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives headquarters after Prohibition-era law enforcement agent Eliot Ness misstated Ness’ job title after leaving Washington. He was not Cincinnati’s public safety director, but a senior investigator.

Echo Park’s NO: In the March 8 Calendar section, a profile of the Echo Park band NO said that its record label, Arts & Crafts Records, is based in Montreal. It is based in Toronto.
