
For the record - March 17, 2015

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Herbalife probes: An article in the March 14 Business section about federal authorities questioning third parties about possible stock manipulation of Herbalife said the California Attorney General’s office was among the agencies with an open investigation. State prosecutors have confirmed only that they were meeting with Herbalife critics.

Igor Levit: A listing in the March 15 Spring Arts Preview in the Arts & Books section for a concert by pianist Igor Levit said he would be performing Saturday at the Wallis Annenberg Center in Beverly Hills. The concert will be April 21.

Dave Frohnmayer: The obituary of Oregon politician and educator Dave Frohnmayer in the March 14 California section incorrectly identified his friend and law partner Bill Gary as Bill Gray.


Temecula: In the March 15 Travel section, an article about Temecula, Calif., included a photo of a building, which the caption identified as the South Coast Winery Resort & Spa. It is the Ponte Vineyard Inn. Also, the photo should have been credited to the Ponte Vineyard Inn, not Justin Hulse.

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